Journal of Developing Economies


ISSN 2790-6957 (online)

DOI: 10.47672/jde.

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Impact Factor: 3.2

Journal of Developing Economies (JDE) is a peer-reviewed journal published by AJPO Journals, a reputable journal publisher based in the United States. JDE aims to provide a platform for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to share and disseminate their original and innovative research on various aspects of developing economies. JDE covers topics such as economic growth, poverty reduction, inequality, trade, investment, innovation, governance, environment, health, education, and social development. JDE welcomes submissions from authors across the world, especially from developing countries and regions. JDE is indexed by Google Scholar and has a high impact factor among top research journals in the field of development economics. JDE offers a fast and low-cost publication process for authors who want to publish their research papers or books online. JDE has a simple and user-friendly online submission system that allows authors to submit their manuscripts or book proposals in a few clicks. JDE also provides print on demand book publication service for authors who want to publish their books in hard copy format. JDE charges a nominal publication fee that covers the costs of peer review, editing, proofreading, formatting, and online hosting. JDE does not charge any additional fees for print on demand book publication.

JDE is an open access journal that allows free and unrestricted access to its published content. JDE follows the principles of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and supports the global movement of open science and open data. JDE believes that open access can enhance the visibility, impact, and quality of research, as well as foster collaboration and innovation among researchers and stakeholders. JDE also encourages authors to deposit their published articles or books in institutional or subject repositories, such as African Journals Online (AJOL), to increase their dissemination and citation. JDE is committed to maintaining high standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct in its publication activities. JDE expects its authors, reviewers, editors, and staff to follow the ethical principles and policies of JDE and to report any cases of misconduct or conflict of interest. JDE takes appropriate actions to prevent, detect, and correct any violations of publication ethics. JDE is one of the best journal publishers for authors who want to publish their research on developing economies in international peer reviewed journals. JDE provides a comprehensive and supportive service for authors throughout the publication process, from submission to publication and beyond. JDE also offers valuable feedback and guidance for authors who want to improve their writing skills and publishability. JDE is the ideal choice for authors who want to publish their research papers or books in reputable research journals in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and other developing countries or regions. In summary, Journal of Developing Economies is is an open access journal hosted by AJPO Journals USA LLC. It is indexed in Google Scholar, Crossref (DOI), Ebscohost, Research Gate among others.



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