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American Journal of International Relations VOL. 5 NO. 1 (2020)

The American Journal of International Relations (AJIR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers on all aspects of international relations. AJIR is one of the top research journals in the field, and is indexed by Google Scholar and other reputable databases. AJIR is also a high impact factor journal, meaning that its articles are frequently cited by other scholars and practitioners. AJIR is published by AJPO Journals, one of the best journal publishers in the world. AJPO Journals is a leading academic journal publishing site that offers low-cost and cheap journals for publishing, as well as open access journals to publish in.


  • Migration and the Diaspora: Involvement of the Tanzanian Diaspora in National Development
  • The Impact of International Migration on Immigrant’s Home Country: Exploring Diaspora Power and Conflict
  • Human Rights, Counter-Terrorism and the Morality of Extra-Judicial Killing: The Philosophy and National Interest Perspective
  • The Philosophy of United Nations, Corruption in Nigeria and the Complicity of the International Community: Search for a Culprit
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: AJPO journals and books publishers
Authors: Dennis Lazaro Londo, Joshua Igonoh, Dr. Joshua Igonoh
Pages: 96
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