Corporate Finance Management


America Journal of Finances Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022)

America Journal of Finance is a high factor peer reviewed journal published both online and printed version by AJPO. America Journal of Finance emphasize on the interdependency of finance reflects the increasing complexity of corporate financial management in recent years and verifies the importance of understanding finance from an international context.


  • Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion: A Positivist View of Proprietors of Small and Medium Enterprises in Fort Portal City, Western Uganda
  • Microfinance Risk Management, Social Mission and Financial Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda
  • Audit Committee Independence and Financial Performance: A Quantitative Assessment of Private Limited Companies in Uganda
  • Internal Controls, Managerial Competence and Financial Performance of ABU Sacco
  • Firm Attributes and Corporate Tax Aggressiveness in Nigeria
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: AJPO journals and books publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-9998-3-9
Authors: Christine Kobugabe, Dr. James Kizza (PhD), Rwakihembo John, Dr. Nsambu Kijjambu Frederick, Prof. John Obiora Anyaduba


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