American Journal of Supply Chain Management


ISSN 2789-2204 (online)

DOI: 10.47672/ajscm.

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Impact Factor: 3.1

The American Journal of Supply Chain Management is a research paper publication that aims to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to share and exchange their insights, experiences, and perspectives on various aspects of supply chain management. The journal covers topics such as supply chain strategy, design, planning, execution, coordination, integration, optimization, innovation, sustainability, risk management, performance measurement, and analytics. The journal is one of the top research journals in the field of supply chain management and is recognized by leading academic institutions and professional associations. The journal is also indexed by Google Scholar and has a high impact factor among its peers. The American Journal of Supply Chain Management is one of the best journal publishers in the field of supply chain management. The journal offers a fast and easy submission process, a rigorous and transparent peer review process, a low-cost and affordable publication fee, and a wide dissemination and visibility of the published articles. The journal also provides open access to all its articles, allowing anyone to access, read, download, cite, and share them without any restrictions. The journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical and scholarly conduct and adheres to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The American Journal of Supply Chain Management welcomes submissions from authors across the world who are interested in publishing their original and high-quality research papers in the field of supply chain management. The journal accepts submissions in various formats, such as research articles, review articles, case studies, book reviews, and conference reports. The journal also accepts submissions of books and dissertations for online publication. The journal provides guidance and support to authors on how to prepare and submit their manuscripts, how to comply with the journal’s policies and guidelines, and how to enhance the quality and impact of their publications. The American Journal of Supply Chain Management is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers from diverse regions and contexts. The journal aims to foster cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of supply chain management. The journal also seeks to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge and best practices in supply chain management in emerging and developing countries. The journal has a special interest in publishing papers from African countries, such as Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. The journal also encourages submissions from authors who are affiliated with reputable research journals or reputable journal publishers in these countries. The American Journal of Supply Chain Management is a print on demand book publication that offers authors the opportunity to publish their books online. The journal provides authors with a flexible and convenient way to publish their books without having to worry about inventory, distribution, or printing costs. The journal also allows authors to retain full control over their books’ design, content, pricing, and royalties. The journal enables authors to reach a global audience through various online platforms, such as Amazon Kindle, Google Books, and others. The American Journal of Supply Chain Management is a reputable research paper publication that strives to advance the theory and practice of supply chain management. The journal invites authors to submit their manuscripts for publication and join its community of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers who are passionate about supply chain management.

In conclusion, the American Journal of Supply Chain Management is a peer reviewed journal published AJPO Journals USA LLC. Published both online and printed version. The journal contain high quality, supply chain empirical research that has significant impact on areas of supply chain but not limited data analytic, demand forecasting, innovation, integration and collaboration, lean and agile, procurement, risk management, sustainability and value chain strategies are considered. American Journal of Supply Chain Management is considered to be one of the top academic journal publishers in the field of supply chain management. In addition, it regularly promotes open access academic journal publishing. It is indexed in google scholar among other journal indexes. As far as peer review of the research publication is concerned, a double blind peer review methodology is applied, this leads to high impact peer review and refereed research publications. Occasionally, the research publishing journal also promotes free academic journal publishing as a way of giving back to the society. Free journal publication still follows the rough procedure in peer reviewing all academic research journal articles, this ensures that the research publications are of high impact factor whether they are published without any publication fee or published under a publication fee. The double advantage of low journal/ manuscript publication fees and occasional free journal publishing enables the journal to cater for both upcoming researchers and seasoned academics who would like to publish their work. Authors benefit from journal metrics, which show the number of abstracts viewed and the number of journal/manuscripts downloaded.  Not only is this journal, a top research journal publisher, it also serves as a good template for authors to know how to prepare and publish their research journal papers.


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