American Journal of Psychology


ISSN 2791-1942 (online)

DOI: 10.47672/ajp.

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Impact Factor: 3.0

The American Journal of Psychology (AJPO) is one of the top research journals in the field of psychology. It publishes high-quality research papers that cover a wide range of topics, such as cognitive, social, developmental, clinical, and neuropsychology. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar and has a high impact factor, reflecting its academic reputation and influence. The AJPO is an international peer-reviewed journal that welcomes submissions from researchers all over the world. The journal has a fast and efficient publication process, with low-cost and affordable fees for authors. The journal also offers open access options for authors who wish to make their work freely available online. The AJPO is committed to promoting ethical and rigorous research standards, and adheres to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA).

The AJPO is also a reputable journal publisher that offers print on demand book publication services for authors who wish to publish their books online. The journal can help authors with editing, formatting, design, and distribution of their books. The journal can also assist authors with submitting their books for online publication on platforms such as Amazon Kindle, Google Books, and Apple iBooks. The AJPO can help authors publish their dissertations, theses, monographs, textbooks, and other types of books. If you are looking for a reputable and reliable journal to publish your research or book in psychology, look no further than the American Journal of Psychology. The journal has a long history of excellence and innovation in the field, and is recognized as one of the best journal publishers in the world.

In conclusion, American Journal of Psychology is a high factor journal accredited for its vital pool of knowledge and informative articles published by AJPO Journals USA LLC. The journal extends its knowledge in the field of psychological science perspectives. Among the areas of psychology include biological, learning, cognitive, psychoanalytic and sociocultural perspectives. The journal takes pride in its fast and low-cost publication and moreover features in the Google scholar for easy referencing and access by search engines. The low-cost publication enable even the upcoming researchers to be in a position to afford the publication in this journal. The journal also allows the free access to scholarly journals which makes it useful in referencing in other related studies. A double-blind peer review proficiency is implemented as far as the review of the research manuscript is involved which ensures a high quality publication articles in this journal. It can be identified as one of the best scholarly journal publications in the field of psychology. Journal metrics enable the researchers who have published their articles in this journal to access the number of downloads and views of the articles, which is an added advantage. The published journals serve as reliable templates for other authors in preparations and publication of their articles.


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