Practice-Based Learning


American Journal of Education and Practice Vol 6 No 4 (2023)

American Journal of Education and Practice is a high-ranked journal approved for its content and information published by AJPO US A LLC.The journal has a pool of extensive knowledge in aesthetic, cultural, intellectual, physical, religious, social, spiritual and vocational development of an individual. Moreover, it has a practical application of the educational comprehension. Among the areas of education practice covered are the formal, informal and non-formal. It is indexed in Google Scholar.


  • Educational Institutions of Islamabad during COVID-19 Pandemics: A Reflective Study
  • Effect of Gender on Morphological Awareness and Reading Comprehension Competence in Chinese Language: Evidence from the University of Cape Coast
  • Locus of Control and Academic Achievement among Student Nurses in Cross River State, Nigeria
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: AJPO journals and books publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-745-10-8
Authors: Parveen Akhter Malik, James Opoku-Darko, Nkomo Ntu N
Pages: 58
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