American Journal of Agriculture

(3 customer reviews)


ISSN 2790-5756 (online)

DOI: 10.47672/aja.

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Impact Factor: 3.0

America Journal of Agriculture is a reputable research journal that publishes high-quality peer-reviewed papers on various topics related to agriculture and related fields. It is one of the top research journals in the field, with a high impact factor and a wide international readership. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar and other major academic databases, and is recognized as one of the best journal publishers in the field. The journal aims to promote the advancement of agricultural science and technology, and to disseminate the latest research findings and innovations to the global scientific community. The journal covers a broad range of topics, such as crop production, animal husbandry, soil science, plant protection, agroforestry, agroecology, biotechnology, food security, climate change, rural development, and more. The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, academics, practitioners, and policy makers from all over the world.

The journal follows a rigorous peer review process, ensuring that only original and high-quality papers are accepted for publication. The journal has a fast turnaround time, with an average of 3 months from submission to publication. The journal also offers low-cost and affordable publication fees, making it accessible to authors from different backgrounds and regions. The journal is an open access journal, meaning that all published papers are freely available online for anyone to read and download. The journal also offers online publication services for books related to agriculture and related fields. Authors can submit their books for online publication, and enjoy the benefits of print on demand technology. The journal will handle the editing, formatting, printing, and distribution of the books, and will also promote them on its website and social media platforms. Authors can also choose to publish their books as e-books or hard copies.

The journal also accepts submissions of dissertations and theses related to agriculture and related fields. Authors can submit their dissertations or theses for publication, and receive a certificate of publication from the journal. The journal will also index the dissertations or theses in its database, and make them available online for anyone to access. The journal is always looking for new and innovative papers to publish, and invites authors to submit their manuscripts through its online submission system. The journal also welcomes suggestions for special issues or guest editors on specific topics or themes related to agriculture and related fields. The journal’s editorial board consists of eminent experts and scholars from different countries and disciplines, who ensure that the journal maintains its high standards of quality and excellence. America Journal of Agriculture is more than just a journal. It is a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and advancing agricultural science and technology. It is a journal that serves the interests of both authors and readers, and strives to make a positive impact on the world.

In conclusion, America Journal of Agriculture is a high factor journal accredited for its vital insight information published by AJPO Journals USA LLC. The journal aims at advancing agriculture in all its areas that include arid soil research and rehabilitation, agriculture genomics, stored product research, tree fruit production, agronomy, weed biology, pesticide science, post-harvest biology and technology. The journal prides itself in cheap and fast publication and is indexed in google scholar among other journal indexes. In addition, it regularly promotes open access academic journal publishing. As far as peer review of the research publication is concerned, a double blind peer review methodology is applied. This leads to high impact peer review and refereed research publications. It can be considered to be one of the top academic journal publishers in the field of agricultural research publication. Due to the rapid publication process, authors get academic research article peer review comments within 2 weeks. Occasionally, the research publishing journal also promotes free academic journal publishing as a way of giving back to the society. The free journal publication still follows the rigorous procedure in peer reviewing all academic research journal articles. This ensures that the research publications are of high impact factor whether they are published without any publication fee or published under a publication fee. The double advantage of low journal/ manuscript publication fees and occasional free journal publishing enables the journal to cater for both upcoming researchers and seasoned academics who would like to publish their scientific work. Authors who have submitted their academic manuscripts for journal publishing also benefit from journal metrics, which show the number of abstracts viewed and the number of journal/manuscripts downloaded. Not only is this journal, a top research journal publisher, it also serves as a good template for authors to know how to prepare and publish their research journal papers/ manuscripts.

3 reviews for American Journal of Agriculture

  1. albert tefera


  2. albert tefera

    thanks for your research


    The Journal is fast I appreciate that aspect. Reviewers just need to do a deep review. I see the review as being shallow. My point

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