Ethics in Health Management


American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)

American Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice is a peer reviewed journal published by AJPO. This journal delivers the studies done on health care provision, the policies regarding health, the management system and the number of nurses involved in healthcare provision. The journals are strictly scrutinized by qualified doctors and nurses to ensure the reliability is not compromised.


  • Result of a Standardized Management Protocol for Chronic Orchialgia and a Suggested Algorithm Incorporating Spermatic Cord Block, Tender Point Block, Microscopic Vericocelectomy, and Microscopic Sub Inguinal Denervation
  • Anticardiolipin Antibodies and Lupus Anticoagulant; Prevalence in Pregnant Patients with Recurrent Miscarriages
  • Initial Probing in Children Presenting at the Age of Three to Four Years
  • Rate of Serum Electrolyte Derangement among Pakistani Children Having Acute Diarrhea and Dehydration K.P.K North Population Base Study (Pakistan)
  • Risk Factors Leading to Major Lower Limb Amputations in Diabetic Patients with Foot Ulcers
Category Book Chapters
Publisher: AJPO journals and books publishers
ISBN: 978-9914-9998-7-7
Authors: Mir Abid Jan, Fouzia Fahim FCPS, Muhammad Israr, Khalil Ahmad, Kamran Hakeem Khan


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