
  • Onyando Lynette Akinyi Ogada
  • Billy Wadongo
  • Rose Kisia Omondi



Socio-economic well-being, Women Entrepreneurs, Informal Hospitality Services


Purpose: Women have ventured into the informal hospitality sector to provide different services to improve their socio-economic well-being in the developed world and Africa. Similar results to assess informal hospitality services women entrepreneurs in Kenya have also been reported. These services include outside catering, events management, and housekeeping services.

Methodology: The study employed a qualitative research design to collect data from women entrepreneurs providing informal hospitality services through interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). The study population was drawn from women groups providing informal hospitality services and are registered by Social Services offices from Muranga, Kakamega, Nakuru, and Kisumu Counties. The study used an in-depth interview where the researcher interviewed eight critical informants from the four Counties. The purposive sampling method was used to pick the eight women entrepreneurs from the universal target population of the study. Further, the researcher carried out one (1) FGD with a total of 8 participants, 6 participants purposively identified from urban-based Sub-Counties and two (2) participants from the rural-based Sub-Counties. The researcher used framework analysis, where the collected data from interviews and FGD were organized into themes based on the study objectives.

Findings: The study found out that women in the informal hospitality services in Nakuru, Kisumu, Muranga, and Kakamega Counties were doing outside catering services and events management to improve their socio-economic well-being. The women entrepreneurs found these services profitable and were overwhelmingly willing to continue with the services, unlike housekeeping services that some could offer as free services to the community.

Recommendation: The women enterpreneurs in the informal hospitality services in the four Counties need capacity building and more funding from both the County and National Governments so as to expand and diversify their businesses.


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Author Biographies

Onyando Lynette Akinyi Ogada

Post Graduate Student, Department of Eco-Tourism, Hotel and Institutional Management, Maseno University


Billy Wadongo

Department of Eco-Tourism, Hotel and Institutional Management, Maseno University

Rose Kisia Omondi

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, JOOST


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How to Cite

Onyando , L. A. O., Wadongo, B. ., & Omondi, R. K. . (2022). ASSESSMENT OF THE VARIOUS TYPES OF INFORMAL HOSPITALITY SERVICES OFFERED BY WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN KENYA. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 2(1), 33–46.


