Sustainable business strategies, fast-food restaurant growth, Lake Region Economic Block, KenyaAbstract
Purpose: The goal of this study was to identify sustainable business strategies for fast-food restaurant growth.
Research design and methodology: To collect and analyze data for this study, an exploratory and descriptive design were used. A total number of 208 self-administered questionnaires were given to fast-food restaurant managers from the Lake Region Economic Block in Kenya. The selection of all 208 restaurant managers was conducted through stratification and proportionate sampling methods. The collected data was analyzed in SPSS using descriptive statistics and regression analysis.
Findings: The implemented sustainable business strategies for fast-food restaurant growth were identified as economic sustainability strategies, environmental sustainability strategies, and social sustainability strategies. The regression results revealed that implemented economic, social, and environmental sustainability strategies significantly (p =.001) influence fast-food restaurant growth and explained 10.9 percent of the variance in fast-food restaurant growth. The findings revealed a link between sustainable business strategies and fast-food restaurant growth.
Contribution to theory and practice: The newly acquired insights in this study will contribute to the academic literature on the adoption of sustainable business practices and their impact on fast-food restaurant growth. The findings of the study will aid in the creation of policies to address issues in the fast-food business. In addition, the study's findings will aid fast-food restaurant managers, who will be able to comprehend the role of sustainable business strategies in fast-food restaurant growth and, as a result, will be able to adopt and apply them to maintain and improve their business.
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