Transforming Brown Practices into Green Jobs: Training Intervention and Green Job Motivation of Agripreneuship Trainees


  • Fomba Emmanuel Mbebeb FED, The University of Bamenda



Brown Jobs, Green Jobs, Training Intervention; Green-Job-Motivation


Purpose: Within the backdrop of labor market uncertainty for young people and environmental externalities, the study tested the effect of training intervention on green collar job motivation of agripreneuship trainees in a green growth project in Mezam, North West Cameroon. Focus was on training, attitude and social pressure as determinants of green job motivation off agripreneurs.

Materials and Methods: The study adopted a quantitative survey design with the goal of data on green collar job training and motivation and a sample of 125 participants (71 females; 54 males) was recruited from a training intervention initiative from Mezam, North West Cameroon. An instrument with internal reliability consistency (α=0.74) was used to gather information. The information was entered into SPSS version 27, and correlation and hierarchical regression were used as test statistics.

Findings: According to the results, it was reported as a significant predictor of green job motivation, p < 0.05.  In the second model capacity building and attitude significantly determined green job motivation p < 0.05. While the third model (capacity enhancement, attitude, social pressure) was significant, p < 0.05, social pressure as a separate dimension failed to determine green job motivation, p > 0.05, of agripreneurs trainees. From the results of the study it was reported that training factors were capable of predicting green job motivation and the need for transforming brown occupations was also recognised within green growth venture.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Green economic activities have undergone evolution with demands for new skills and training should be recognized as a sustainable measure of green collar job behaviours. Considering the position of green growth models in developing green collar mindset, it asserts that greener occupations are capable of catalysing wealth creation, environmental justice and sustainable and should be promoted. Therefore, advocates of green employment should draw from policy strategies and enrich training programmes to be more responsive to changing environmental, suggesting transformation from brown to green through green mindset building. While the paper contributes to scarce body of knowledge in green jobs, implications for policy and practice have been presented with areas for future research


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working paper, Forecast and Strategic Planning Division, Yaoundé, Cameroon




How to Cite

Mbebeb, F. E. (2024). Transforming Brown Practices into Green Jobs: Training Intervention and Green Job Motivation of Agripreneuship Trainees. American Journal of Psychology, 6(3), 55–73.




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