Pull Motivation Factors Influencing Tourists' Destination Loyalty in the Lake Victoria Region Tourism Circuit, Kenya


  • Stephen Kamau Nguthi
  • Dr. Oscar Ouma Kambona
  • Dr. Billy Indeche Wadongo




Pull, Motivation, Loyalty, Competitiveness, Destination


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify pull motivation factors influencing tourists' destination loyalty in the Lake Victoria Region Tourism Circuit, Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted an explanatory research approach based on a cross-sectional survey design to collect and analyse quantitative data. This study proposed destination loyalty the most appropriate indicator of destination competitiveness. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect quantitative primary data to help understand tourist pull motivation factors and destination loyalty. The instrument was pre-tested using 20 tourists who were not included in the final study. The study population consisted of 461 tourists drawn from the circuits' 26 classified hotels, based on the region's 35% average occupancy rate. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to get 299 tourists whereby proportionate sampling followed by simple random sampling was used to identify hotels while convenience sampling helped obtain actual respondents.

Findings: Tourists' pull motivation factors were identified as; destination core resources, destination support resources, qualifying and amplifying resources and destination management factors.

Recommendations: Based on the findings, the researcher suggests that destination managers should: constantly avail information linked to tourism to any intending traveler; ensure high quality hotel services; pay close attention to the safety and security of tourists in the destination, and; pay close attention to the accessibility of the destination for all intending clients respectively. Moreover, findings of this study offer guidelines to destination managers in the Lake Victoria Region Tourism Circuit Kenya, in monitoring and enhancing the destinations competitiveness based on destination loyalty.


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Author Biographies

Stephen Kamau Nguthi

Post Graduate Student: School of Physical and Biological Sciences

 Maseno University


Dr. Oscar Ouma Kambona

Senior Lecturer, School of Physical and Biological Sciences

 Maseno University

Dr. Billy Indeche Wadongo

Lecturer, School of Physical and Biological Sciences

 Maseno University


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How to Cite

Nguthi, S., Kambona, O. ., & Wadongo, . B. . (2021). Pull Motivation Factors Influencing Tourists’ Destination Loyalty in the Lake Victoria Region Tourism Circuit, Kenya. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 1(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.47672/jht.698


