Employee Training and Job Satisfaction in Western Uganda: Empirical Evidence from Mbarara University of Science and Technology


  • Crispus Tashobya
  • Dr. Robert Mugabe
  • Bernard Begumisa
  • Pereez Nimusima
  • Dr John Rwakihembo




Employee Training, Job satisfaction, High Learning Institution, Western Uganda.


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of employee training on employee job satisfaction in Western Uganda with a focus on Mbarara University of science and technology (MUST).

Methodology: A mixed methods approach and cross-sectional design were used. The study population were composed of academic and non-academic staff members of MUST. Researchers were guided by Krejcie and Morgan sample determination table to come up with a sample size of 230, and selected the sample using Simple random sampling technique. Self-administered Questionnaire and interview guide helped in collection of data; then after collected data were processed and analysed using SPSS version 20.

Findings: Study results show a significant and moderate positive relationship between on-job training, off-job training and job satisfaction (r=.381, p<.01) and (r=.308, p<.01) respectively for on-job training and off-job training.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study makes a unique contribution to human resource training and development literature by providing context-based evidence on the positive relationship that exist between employee training and job satisfaction in public institutions in western Uganda. Practitioners in these institutions are anticipated to gain new insights on the vital role of employee training towards elevating satisfaction levels of staff. The study recommended that public higher learning institutions in western Uganda re-orient their strategic focus to training and development needs of their staff if they are to achieve their set targets. This is justified because this study has found out that such practices help them keep their staff morale boosted which apparently affects the way they render services to their clients.


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Author Biographies

Crispus Tashobya

Bishop Stuart University

Dr. Robert Mugabe

Bishop Stuart University

Bernard Begumisa

Bishop Stuart University

Pereez Nimusima

Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC)

Dr John Rwakihembo

Mountains of the Moon University


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How to Cite

Tashobya, C. ., Mugabe, R. ., Begumisa, B. ., Nimusima, P. ., & Rwakihembo, J. . (2022). Employee Training and Job Satisfaction in Western Uganda: Empirical Evidence from Mbarara University of Science and Technology. European Journal of Human Resource, 6(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejh.970


