Relationship between the Various HR Strategies and employee motivation in the Taro Pharmaceutical Company
Human Resource Strategies, Employee Motivation, Theoretical frameworkAbstract
Purpose: The study sought to find out the relationship between HR Strategies and employee motivation in the Taro pharmaceutical company.
Methodology: The research design for this study was a Survey design. Cross-sectional descriptive survey with a close ended questionnaire was used to provide answers to the research questions. The target population was both management and staff at the Taro Pharmaceutical Company. The researcher sampled 242 respondents based on the Krejcie & Morgan sampling distribution. Independent variable in the study is HR Strategies and the dependent variable in the study is employee motivation. The study employed Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 to analyze the data gathered on the basis of descriptive statistics such as Mean and Standard deviation and inferential statistics thus, Pearson correlation.
Findings: HR Strategies was significantly related to employee motivation. The results revealed that, at the Taro Pharmaceutical Company, HR Strategies include communication, reward and recognition, work systems, staffing and training and development. The results proved that; all the dimensions of HR Strategies were significantly related to employee motivation which shows that employees were highly motivated.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that, Management should maintain and improve on the existing HR Strategies that exist in the pharmaceutical company. All the strategies proved significant vis a vis employee motivation. The researcher submits that, communication peaked as the most significant HR Strategies and hence, should be a point of concern to management. The researcher recommends that, even though the identified HR Strategies were functioning well, not all the dimensions were able to score high rating as some of the employees were unsure of the applicable strategies. Hence, management should intensify the existing strategies to help achieve organizational goals
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