Socially Responsible Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Adaptability of Public Servants with Disabilities in South-West Nigeria
Employee Adaptability, Employee Voice, Employee Wellbeing Strategy, Inclusion, Organizational Support, Persons Disabilities, Socially Responsible Human Resource Management.Abstract
Purpose: Most organisations develop and implement human resource management practices that assume workers do not have disabilities, often creating a disconnect between their espoused policies and practices and their reality. Overt ill-treatments from management and co-workers have often led to poor employee adaptability and discouraged persons with disabilities keen and able opportunity to join the workforce. Hence, this study examined socially responsible human resource management practices and employee adaptability of public servants with disabilities in South-West Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: Survey research design was adopted for this study. The study's sample size of 422 public servants and leaders was determined using total enumeration sampling technique. A structured and validated questionnaire and semi-structured interview were used to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged between 0.69 and 0.84. The response rate was 95%. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential (multiple linear regression and hierarchical regression) statistics.
Findings: The study found that SRHRM had a statistically significant effect on job satisfaction (Adj.R2 = 0.53, F(5, 410) = 92.07, p < 0.05). The qualitative data findings support the quantitative findings, and the participants' views do not show significant variance from the quantitative findings. Instead, they complement the quantitative findings. The study concluded that socially responsible human resource management practices affect employee adaptability of public servants with disabilities in South-West Nigeria.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Therefore, the study recommends involvement of persons with disabilities in strategic or operational projects, initiatives or committees set up by ministries/departments or agencies in public service in South-West Nigeria specifically, and the nation at large. The findings of the study support the theory in which socially responsible human resource management was found to significantly affect the outcomes of public servants with disabilities in southwest Nigeria where the interaction of sub-variables was positive and mutually beneficial.
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