Competence and Worker's Attitude in Health Ministries in South-South, Nigeria


  • Idoniboyeobu Anyanaba Dikio (PhD)
  • J.M.O. Gabriel (PhD)
  • S.P. Asawo (PhD)



Competence, Worker's Attitude, Affective Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Workers Engagement


Purpose: This study examined the relationship between competence and worker's attitude in health ministries in South-South, Nigeria.

Methodology: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design. Primary data was generated through a 4-point Likert scaled questionnaire. The population of the study was two thousand one hundred and eighty-one (2181) employees. A sample size of three hundred and thirty-eight (338) employees was drawn from the population using the Taro Yamane sample size determination formula. The study adopted the simple random sampling technique.  The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient with all the items scoring above 0.70. The hypotheses were tested using Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences.

Findings: The findings revealed that competence had a significant positive relationship with affective commitment, affective satisfaction and workers engagement. Therefore, the study concludes that the level of competence thus has a direct bearing with worker's attitude. Inability of employees to perform maximally due to lack of competence will result in higher dissatisfaction.

Recommendation: Thus the researchers recommend that the management of the Health Ministries should embark on proper training and development of the workers to enhance their knowhow in the work as such will help boost their positive work attitude.     


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Author Biographies

Idoniboyeobu Anyanaba Dikio (PhD)

Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers, State University, Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

J.M.O. Gabriel (PhD)

Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers, State University, Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

S.P. Asawo (PhD)

Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers, State University, Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Idoniboyeobu , A. D. ., Gabriel , J. M. O., & Asawo , S. P. (2022). Competence and Worker’s Attitude in Health Ministries in South-South, Nigeria. European Journal of Human Resource, 6(1), 16–31.


