Work Environment as a Correlate of Teachers Psychological Wellbeing in Universities in Fako Division: The Case of the Chattered University Institute of Cameroon- CUIC


  • Lum Bobga Jacqueline Achiri Educational Psychologist



Work-Environment, Classroom-Space, Office-Space, Teacher, Psychological-Wellbeing


Purpose: This study investigates the correlation between the work environment and the psychological wellbeing of teachers within Universities in Cameroon:  The Case of the Chattered University Institute of Cameroon-CUIC Drawing on theories such as Herzberg's Motivation-hygiene theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and the Affective Events Theory, the research explores how factors like classroom teaching space and office space availability influence the psychological wellbeing of educators.

Materials and Methods: Using a quantitative-based cross-sectional design and purposive sampling, data were collected via a Likert scale questionnaire from 10 participants across seven departments. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analysis.

Findings: The findings reveal significant positive relationships between both the availability of classroom teaching space and office space with the psychological wellbeing of teachers. The study underscores the importance of a conducive work environment in enhancing teachers' psychological wellbeing.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: It recommends measures for improving classroom and office space provisions to support teacher satisfaction and effectiveness. These findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role of the work environment in promoting teacher wellbeing and, by extension, student learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Achiri, L. B. J. (2024). Work Environment as a Correlate of Teachers Psychological Wellbeing in Universities in Fako Division: The Case of the Chattered University Institute of Cameroon- CUIC. American Journal of Psychology, 6(2), 23–39.




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