Experience of Childhood Bereavement and Current Attachment Style


  • Dr Sadia Aleem




Attachment, child bereavement, adult attachment style


Purpose: Previous research supports the idea that attachment style is closely associated to experience of bereavement, but the research investigating current attachment style and childhood experience of bereavement is lacking. This study aims to explore how experience of bereavement in childhood relates to current attachment style in adulthood and to utilize attachment theory in understanding the experience of bereavement during childhood.   

Methodology: Mixed method design was used to address the research objectives. This study was based on qualitative interview and a quantitative questionnaire. Twenty-four students from University of Bedfordshire were employed through purposive sampling to conduct semi-structured interviews. Experience in Close Relationships (ECR) questionnaire was used for quantitative assessment.

Findings: The results of thematic analysis showed people with various attachment styles offered various accounts of their bereavement experience as children. This study offered proof that this was the case.

Recommendations: It is suggested that this research can help us understand how children experience bereavement by illustrating how attachment theory might be used. This study may aid mental health practitioners in identifying some practical methods for assisting grieving individuals. The parent-child attachment bond approach among bereaved families may involve the appropriate bereavement counsellors and professionals. Bereavement experience during childhood links to adulthood attachment style. This study will contribute in developing the understanding of bereavement in children with attachment theory perspective.


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Author Biography

Dr Sadia Aleem

Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women University


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How to Cite

Aleem, S. . (2022). Experience of Childhood Bereavement and Current Attachment Style. American Journal of Psychology, 4(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajp.1222