Influence of Kidnapping on the Psychological Distress of Residents in Kaduna Metropolis


  • Chinonye O. Aloku
  • Dennis Atafo



Kidnapping, psychological distress, residents


Purpose: The study investigated the influence of kidnapping on the psychological distress of residents in Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna State.

Methodology: A cross-sectional research design was utilized with cluster sampling method. One hundred and ninety-one (191) residents were the respondents. Structured standardized questionnaires were used to elicit information from the population of interest using cluster sampling technique. Data was analysed using the SPSS, Independent T-Test and Chi-Square. Two hypotheses were tested at p<0.05.

Findings: Results showed a significant relationship between kidnapping and physiological distress among residents. Since the p-value (0.0001) was less than 5% level of significance, the first hypothesis was accepted which stated that kidnapping experiences significantly influence the physiological distress of residents in Kaduna Metropolis. However, there was no significant difference in psychological distress between male and female residents. The p-value was more than the 5% level of significance. The second hypothesis was rejected since all the p-values are greater than the 5% level of significance. It was concluded that the high state of insecurity from kidnapping was impacted adversely on the residents of Kaduna metropolis leading to a heightened degree of psychological distress.

Recommendations: There is need for counselling and psychotherapy to alleviate the distress which has shown no signs of abating. The security personnel should be increased and equipped and informants protected by the federal government. The large number of unemployed citizens should be empowered to reduce the level of unemployment in the Metropolis by the state government.


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Author Biographies

Chinonye O. Aloku

B.D.S, M.P.A, M.C.F.P, M.P.H (in view)

Dennis Atafo

MSc, PHD (in view)


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How to Cite

Aloku, C. O., & Atafo, D. . (2022). Influence of Kidnapping on the Psychological Distress of Residents in Kaduna Metropolis. American Journal of Psychology, 4(1), 53–67.


