Effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, training/developmentAbstract
Purpose: This study evaluated the relationship between quality of work life (QWL) and employee productivity of Oil Marketing Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. It is most crucial for organizations to boost and sustain their employees' knowledge and competencies because of the extreme degree of global saturation occurring in various core markets.
Methodology: Taking account of this, a descriptive and explanatory approach was adopted to uncover the impact of quality of work life on employee productivity, using compensation and training/development as dimensions for quality of work life, while effectiveness and efficiency were measures for employee productivity. The study adopted the stratified sampling technique in collecting data through the use of a structured questionnaire. A total of 52 respondents were drawn from four understudied oil marketing companies operating on three major roads with the highest concentration of companies in Port Harcourt, including Aba road, Ikwerre road and East-west road.
Findings: The study revealed that compensation and training/development both have a positive and significant influence on the effectiveness of the pump attendants in the various oil marketing companies included in this study. In like manner, compensation and training/development both had positive and significant influence on the efficiency of the pump attendants in the chosen firms. Following the findings, it was concluded that quality of work life had a significant and positive influence on employees' productivity.
Unique Contribution to Practice and Policy: It was recommended that oil marketing companies prioritize training, development and compensation for pump operators who are their representatives at the frontline of service delivery and customer satisfaction, important indices for assessing organizational performance.
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