Role of Psychological Empowerment on Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Retention in Universities in Karachi with Moderating Role of Employee Satisfaction
Information Technology, Employee Creativity, Organizations, Software HousesAbstract
Purpose: In this study, role of information technology has been discussed that how it impacts the employee's creativity.
Materials and Methods: When it comes to connecting creative ideas and thoughts at the same time, information technology has both significantly helped and considerably hinders this capacity.
Findings: This blending of technology has produced ground-breaking new concepts and ways for individuals to express themselves. This study is carried out in Pakistani software houses registered with stock exchange and it investigates the role of Information Technology (IT) in employee creativity. With the omnipresence of technology and technological advancement in the contemporary world, it is advantageous to study through different and advanced perspectives the profound effects on employee creativity.
Implication to Theory, Practice and Policy: Conclusions and results point out significant effects if Information Technology on the creativity of employees.
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