Usage and Security of Examination Modes of Assessment: A Survey of Two Universities in South Western Uganda


  • Deborah Natumanya
  • Dr. Evarist Nabaasa
  • Dr. Pius Ariho



Usage, Security, Electronic Assessment and modes of Assessment


Introduction: Academic institutions are faced with challenges related to usage and security of existing modes of assessment. Security issues include confidentiality, integrity and availability while usage issues include complexity, compatibility, accessibility and flexibility.

Methodology: This study assessed three modes of assessment used in universities and these include electronic, paper-based and oral. A cross sectional survey was conducted where quantitative methods were used to determine the mode of assessment that is more secure and acceptable. Participants for the study were students and lecturers from Bishop Stuart University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology. The study population was 411 and a sample of 352 participants was obtained using the Krejcie and Morgan formula. A questionnaire tool was used for data collection and SPSS software was used for data analysis to generate descriptive statistics.

Findings: Results obtained from the study show that usage is ranked at 63.68% for paper based assessment, 68.76% for electronic and 60.28% for oral assessment. Analysis of security issues suggests that electronic assessment (67.72%) is more secure than paper based (63.0%) and oral assessment (62.32%). Although the paper based mode of assessment ranked best in usage, the method faces challenges such as poor computation of marks, poor storage of answer scripts and a slow feedback process. The results show that much as electronic mode of assessment ranked best using security parameters, the mode is not widely used because of its limited question types. Incorporation of various question types in the electronic mode of assessment will increase choice of questions and improve its adoption and usage in academic institutions.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: This study established that, there is need for developing an electronic examinations framework that incorporates various question types, electronic free handwriting and electronic answer booklets to the current university examination process and procedures more robust and appropriate. The study contributes to the body of knowledge since it was found that, in the use of electronic learning technologies in the administration of examinations in Ugandan universities is not robust and appropriate for commonly used essay question types, also it was found out that, these technologies lack electronic free-handwriting, hence the need for a framework to address such gaps.


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Author Biographies

Deborah Natumanya

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Dr. Evarist Nabaasa

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Dr. Pius Ariho

Mbarara University of Science and Technology


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How to Cite

Natumanya, D. ., Nabaasa, E. ., & Ariho, P. . (2021). Usage and Security of Examination Modes of Assessment: A Survey of Two Universities in South Western Uganda. American Journal of Online and Distance Learning, 3(1), 25–36.


