Role of Instructor Feedback Frequency and Quality in Online Student Satisfaction in Morocco


  • Faras F.A. University of Al Quaraouiyine



Instructor Feedback Frequency Quality, Online, Student Satisfaction


Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the role of instructor feedback frequency and quality in online student satisfaction in Morocco.

Methodology: This study adopted a desk methodology. A desk study research design is commonly known as secondary data collection. This is basically collecting data from existing resources preferably because of its low cost advantage as compared to a field research. Our current study looked into already published studies and reports as the data was easily accessed through online journals and libraries.

Findings: The study emphasized that both the frequency and quality of feedback from instructors significantly impact students' satisfaction in online learning environments. Higher frequency of feedback was associated with greater satisfaction among students, indicating the importance of regular engagement and communication between instructors and learners. Additionally, the study highlighted the crucial role of feedback quality, suggesting that constructive and personalized feedback enhances student satisfaction more effectively than generic or minimal feedback.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Social presence theory, self-determination theory and expectancy-value theory may be used to anchor future studies on assessing the role of instructor feedback frequency and quality in online student satisfaction in Morocco. Provide professional development and training opportunities for instructors to enhance their feedback delivery skills in online courses. Develop guidelines and best practices for feedback provision in online education at the institutional and governmental levels.


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How to Cite

Faras F.A. (2024). Role of Instructor Feedback Frequency and Quality in Online Student Satisfaction in Morocco. American Journal of Online and Distance Learning, 6(2), 1–11.


