E-Learning and Students Academic Performance in Cameroon's State Universities
E-Learning, E-Notes, E-Collaboration, E-Assignment, Video Conferences, Students, State, UniversitiesAbstract
Purpose: The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted traditional modes of education delivery, leading to concerns about students' poor academic performance in Cameroon state universities. This study examines "E-learning and its effects on students' performances in Cameroonian state universities." The research questions focus on the extent to which e-notes, e-assignment, e-collaboration, and video conferencing affect students' performance.
Materials and Methods: The study adopted a descriptive survey design and employed a quantitative approach to collect and analyze data. A sample size of 310 master's students from the Faculty of Education in the University of Yaound 1 and University of Buea was selected through simple random probability sampling. The instrument for data collection adopted in this study was a structured questionnaire. Data was presented using tables and frequencies.
Findings: The findings of the study on the effects of e-learning components, including e-notes, e-collaboration, e-assignments, and video conferencing, suggest positive impacts on students' performances. E-notes and lectures provided easy access to course materials and contributed to students' understanding, although some students still preferred traditional handwritten notes. E-collaboration enhanced learning experiences by promoting knowledge sharing and critical thinking, but challenges such as unequal participation and a preference for physical collaboration need to be addressed. While e-assignments facilitated timely submissions, most students did not believe they improved their performance compared to traditional methods, emphasizing the importance of effective feedback. Video conferencing-maintained classroom community and interaction, positively influencing students' attitudes, although its effect on academic performance was relatively low.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends that educators and policymakers in Cameroon should design e-learning courses that are engaging and interactive, and provide support to students to ensure they are able to succeed in online environments. A balanced approach accommodating diverse learning preferences is also recommended, along with promoting effective e-collaboration practices and providing constructive feedback.
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