A Review on Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri Wagner 1839) population trends (2016-2019) and community-based conservation in Toshi Shasha, Gehrait Goleen, Kaigah Kohistan Conservancies and Chitral Gol National Park, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Review, Markhor, population, community-based conservationAbstract
Purpose: Recognizing the dynamics of ungulate populations is vital because of their economic and ecological significance. The dry temperate ecosystem of Hindu Kush is one of the most remarkable and significant mountain ranges, which supports near threatened markhor population in districts Chitral and Kohistan of Pakistan. However, the current population trends and community-based management of markhor are data lacking or unrevealed, requiring a crucial need for research to examine. The central goal of this study is to review population trends (2016-2019) of markhor and community-based conservation in Toshi Shasha, Gehrait Goleen conservancies, Chitral Gol National Park in district Chitral and Kaigah conservancy in district Kohistan using well developed questionnaire.
Methodology: Review of existing record of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department Pakistan through a well-developed questionnaire
Findings: The finding revealed that over a period of four years population of markhor enlarged to 5658 individuals, fawn population to 2185, female population to 1589, young population to 1491 and the trophy size male increased to 850. Community based conservation resulted 15 markhor trophy hunts in Toshi Shasha, Gehrait Goleen and Kaigah conservancies with gross income of USD 5770400 except Chitral Gol National Park where trophy hunting is not allowed under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife and Biodiversity Act 2015.
Unique contribution to the theory, practice and policy:The author recommended that, As the government has fixed Markhor trophy hunting quota of hunting four animals per year in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. This quota of Markhor trophy hunting should not be fixed but should be based on population of Markhor with reference to trophy size male. The present quota of four Markhor trophy hunt need to be increase from 4 animals per year to 1% leading to 2% of the population of markhor. As the population of Markhor in Chitral Gol National Park Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan has been increased to 2926 individuals and have enlarged to buffer zone of the National Park. At least 1% of Markhor trophy hunts in buffer zone is recommended to support local community for their livelihood improvement and encouragement of the conservation. The community organizations should be strengthened in terms of establishing their offices, field equipment and mobility beside protection.
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