A Comprehensive Review on Phytoremediation Potentials of Hibiscus cannabinus Linn. (Kenaf): Mechanisms, Benefits and Prospects
Phytoremediation, Hibiscus cannabinus (Kenaf), contaminants, mechanisms, prospectsAbstract
Contaminated soils and their associated problems have increasingly become a matter of concern. The most common contaminants generated by industrial urban emissions and agricultural practices are trace metals. Remediation of trace metals is mostly conducted using physico-chemical processes and this causes soils to become polluted. Nevertheless, these techniques damage the soil's biological activity and require highly sophisticated expensive equipment. Phytoremediation is a relatively low-cost technology based on the use of selected plants to remove, degrades or contains soil pollutants. The potential of Kenaf for phytoremediation on soils contaminated with heavy metals and other contaminants have been investigated and of course reported in several literatures to be very effective. In view of that, this paper would therefore underscore the phytoremediation potentials of Hibiscus cannabinus (Kenaf), the possible utilization of the contaminated biomass and its prospects in the field of bioremediation.
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