Major Ions and Trace Elements Characterization of Groundwater in Shallow Aquifers, Yaoundé Urban City, Cameroon
Groundwater, Yaoundé-Cameroon, Nitrate, Chloride, PollutionAbstract
Purpose: This study assessed the suitability of groundwater in parts of Yaoundé city for drinking and domestic purposes, investigating the factors controlling its composition.
Materials and Methods: Water samples were collected during the dry season and analyzed for physicochemical parameters and major ions.
Findings: Results showed an acidic aquifer with generally fresh water, dominated by Ca-HCO3, Na-Cl, Ca-NaHCO3, and Ca-Cl water types. While most major ions were within WHO guidelines, nitrates exceeded safe limits in most samples, and some trace elements like aluminum, manganese, and iron were also above recommended levels.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study concludes that groundwater quality is influenced by water-rock interaction, ion exchange, and anthropogenic activities, particularly nitrate and chloride pollution. Therefore, proper groundwater management strategies are crucial to ensure the sustainability and safety of this vital resource.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Engome Regina Wotany, Ayuk Ruttan Agbor, Mengnjo Jude Wirmverm, Ayuk Valery Takang, Muga Yaguchi, Agyingi Christoper, Egbe Clifford

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