Floristic Composition and Structure of Bimbia-Bonadikombo Commuinty Forest, South West Region, Cameroon
Cameroon, Diversity, Land Use, Tree Species, Tropical RainforestAbstract
Purpose: This study was conducted to assess forest structure and floral diversity in Bimbia-Bonadikombo Community Forest (Hereafter BBCF) after over two decades of conservation efforts. Three land use types were identified in BBCF. These include Primary Forest (PF), Secondary Forest (SF) and Agroforestry (AF).
Materials and Methods: Three line transects of 1 km long each were established in each of the land use types and plots of 20 X 20 meters were established at 100 meters' intervals alternately along each transect. A total of 90 plots were established and each live tree (≥ 5 cm DBH) was measured at 1.3 m and recorded.
Findings: A total of 1600 individual trees were identified belonging to 110 species and 36 families. The first three abundant families were Myristicaceae with 240 individuals (15%), followed by Fabaceae and Urticaceae with 183 (11.44%) and 143 (08.94%) individuals respectively. Families with highest number of tree species were Ebenaceae and Fabaceae with 8 species each. The most abundant species was Musanga cecropioides. Shannon diversity index (H') was highest in the PF (H' = 3.77) and least in AF (H' = 3.44). There was a significant relationship (X2 = 1.801; p = 0.000) between trees DBH and land use types.
Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: The 1994 forestry law of Cameroon (part III, section 34) guides creation of community forests with the responsibility of local communities to ensure protection of biodiversity and improve local livelihoods through forest management committees. Our study revealed that forest composition and structure of BBCF has been negatively affected due to unsustainable exploitation of resources by fringe communities. It is therefore recommended that to ensure significant forest reconstitution, appropriate conservation measures should be reinforced by BBCF management committee.
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