
  • Allan D. M. Bukusi




Voter Apathy, Governance, Leadership, Democracy, Elections


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to draw attention of election managers in Africa to the negative impact of voter apathy on poll outcomes. It encourages all eligible voters to cast their vote in democratic elections. The instances of contested elections, poor governance, election of ineffective leadership and civic violence could be avoided if the electorate came out in full to give voice to the will of the people.    

Methodology: The researcher reviewed published literature discussing the performance of postcolonial democracy of independent nations across Africa. With specific reference to academic journals, electoral documents capturing voting patterns and historical records, the researcher uses descriptive statistics and thematic analyses of texts to highlight the effects voter apathy has on national leadership and governance.

Findings: Voter apathy compromises the expression of the will of the people and causes an erosion of citizen commitment to social responsibility. It also leads to the emergence of apathetic leadership and weak accountability of government institutions following general elections. The researcher suggests that voter apathy is one of the reasons for civil unrest, passage of unpalatable legislation and election of ineffective leaders.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The researcher calls for democratic governments and electoral bodies in Africa to note, examine and act to preempt the negative impact of voter apathy on election outcomes. Voters are called upon not to presume that a democratic election process will automatically guarantee effective governance outcomes without their participation. The paper also recommends that the process of voter empowerment should be formalized in electoral practice, policy and procedure.


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Author Biography

Allan D. M. Bukusi

Adjunct Lecturer: Leadership Seminar, Humanities & Social Sciences, Ashesi University, Ghana


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How to Cite

Bukusi, A. D. M. (2022). WHY YOU MUST VOTE IN AN AFRICAN DEMOCRACY. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 7(1), 19–28. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.942


