Examining the Relationship Amongst Transformational Leadership, Talent Management, and Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Literature


  • Joshua Karani Magambo Pan Africa Christian University




Transformational leadership, Talent management, Organizational effectiveness, Organizational context.


Purpose: With the growing need to compete in a globalize world alongside conflicting and competing interest, transformational leadership has resulted in mixed outcomes. A vast number of studies have been conducted to explore the impact of transformational leadership on talent management and organizational effectiveness.

Methodology: This study employed desktop research methodology to critically review literature on the phenomenon with aim of highlighting empirical as well as contextual gaps in extant literature and proposing an integrated conceptual model that links transformational leadership to talent management and organizational effectiveness. This is done while highlighting the role of organizational context and phase of development on the phenomenon.

Findings: The study found that transformational leadership is central to talent management and organizational effectiveness. Although transformational leadership has a positive impact on talent management, which results in organizational effectiveness, a need to include other variables that affect the relationship such as the organizational context and phase of development was identified.

Unique Contribution and Recommendation: The study recommends that organizations should embrace transformational leadership style to achieve organizational effectiveness. Further, the study recommend talent management practice should be a core concern of leaders who intend to realize faster and sustainable organizational effectiveness.   


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Author Biography

Joshua Karani Magambo , Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Student: Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Magambo , J. (2021). Examining the Relationship Amongst Transformational Leadership, Talent Management, and Organizational Effectiveness: A Review of Literature. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 6(1), 37–66. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.798


