Leadership Styles, Organizational Performance and Effectiveness among Sub- Saharan African Employees


  • Kehinde David Folarin




Influence, Leadership, Employee Performance, Management, Behavior and Organizational Culture


Purpose:  Leadership style is a strategy that an organisation can undertake to influence the performance of the employee positively, and alternatively the performance of the organisation. An organisation's ability to influence employee performance not only lies with the leadership style but also with support for employee performance, communication and organizational culture (Adair I983).

Methodology: A qualitative study and research on the need of how organizations, agencies, parastatals, industries, and countries can get and operate effective leadership style within the circle of influence to achieve their set goals was looked into and recommendations proffered.  

Findings: There are vacuum of true conscious leaders, whether in politics, religion, organization, business, education, sports or institutions.  There is desperate need of competent, principle, sensitive, compassionate and conscious leaders (Adair I983).

Unique Contribution and Recommendation: In this research emphasis will be placed on the need to know what makes a leader and what makes a follower. What are the qualities that distinguish leaders from followers?  The various styles of leadership and how sets goals can be achieved. This research is about the missing link in leadership styles, with impact on the performance of the follower or employee of an organization with specific focus on Sub- Sahara Africa organisation.


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Author Biography

Kehinde David Folarin

Regent University, Virginia USA


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How to Cite

Folarin, K. . (2021). Leadership Styles, Organizational Performance and Effectiveness among Sub- Saharan African Employees. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 6(1), 24–36. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.743


