LEADERSHIP, RISK-TAKING, DECISIONS-MAKING: The newest outcomes from the Science of Leadership


  • Fadil T. Çitaku
  • Hetem Ramadani
  • Don Zillioux
  • Arthur Nathan
  • Max S. Mano
  • Marianne Waldrop
  • Abdulkarim Abdallah
  • Yawar Hayat Khan
  • Fouad A. Jabbar
  • Mohammad Nazim
  • Anivaldo Chevane




Globalization and digitization have brought in unprecedented changes in the leadership-organization-environment equation. Managing this equation is complex because it is not confined by clear, known boundaries.

Today's leadership, in this situation, faces three major challenges: One, they confront problems that are occurring rapidly, are complex in nature, and may be unclear as not having experienced by them before. Two, they have to make quick decisions, in spite of "complexity, novelty and ambiguity" (Lord & Maher, 19901). Three, they have to take risk, keeping in mind "negative consequences of a solution with respect to other on-solving efforts and broader system goals (Mumford & Peterson, 19992).

This article addresses the primary, fundamental issue of leadership competencies, which Prof. Fadil Çitaku's Leadership Competency Model (2012) and currently published Leadership Competency Model Drenica (Çitaku and Ramadani, 2020) propose, and the Leadership Style befitting to the organizational structure that Prof. Don Zilloux, the author of  The Results-Focused Organization (2011) elucidates. Additionally, in this study a large body of evidence-based literature have been reviewed to highlight the newest outcomes from the Science of Leadership regarding Leadership, Risk-Taking and Decision-Making.


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Author Biographies

Fadil T. Çitaku

 Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

 Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

 RAK College of Dental Sciences, UAE

Hetem Ramadani

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Health Revolution Albania

Don Zillioux

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

Arthur Nathan

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

Max S. Mano

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Hospital Sírio-Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil

Marianne Waldrop

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

Abdulkarim Abdallah

Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi Kenya

Yawar Hayat Khan

 Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

 Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

 RAK College of Dental Sciences, UAE

 Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Fouad A. Jabbar

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Mohammad Nazim

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland

Strategic Development Worldwide, USA

Anivaldo Chevane

Academy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland


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How to Cite

Çitaku, F. . ., Ramadani, H. ., Zillioux, D. ., Nathan, A. ., Mano, M. ., Waldrop, M. ., … Chevane, A. . (2020). LEADERSHIP, RISK-TAKING, DECISIONS-MAKING: The newest outcomes from the Science of Leadership. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 5(1), 40–53. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.630


