
  • William Ansah Appienti
  • Kwame Ansong Wadei
  • Abraham Osei



empowering leadership, self-determination theory, team creativity, team information sharing


Purpose: The main purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of empowering leadership behavior on subordinates' creativity in teams, and the mediation role of team information sharing following self-determination theory (SDT) in the banking sector of Ghana.

Methodology: The researchers used the quantitative approach to investigate the causal relationships among the variables. Primary survey instrument in the form of questionnaires were distributed across 14 branches of a popular commercial bank in Ghana to obtain data. The authors gained the participation of the 14 branches based on random sampling technique from a list of banks at the head office in the capital city. The sample included 264 leader-subordinate pair surveys across 48 teams. Hierarchical Regression Analysis was used for data analyses and hypotheses testing.

Findings: The study established a positive relationship between empowering leadership and team creativity, while team information sharing revealed a significant mediation between empowering leadership and team creativity.

Unique Contribution: The study offer a unique contribution to the  leadership and creativity research at the team level that incorporates a theory in an  investigation of the mediation mechanism of teams' symmetric information sharing and dissemination in the Ghana Banking sector.


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Author Biographies

William Ansah Appienti


Kumasi Technical University

      Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance


Kwame Ansong Wadei

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)

School of Economics and Management

Abraham Osei

Kumasi Technical University

Department of Entrepreneurship and Finance


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How to Cite

Appienti, W. A., Wadei, K. A., & Osei, A. (2020). THE MEDIATING ROLE OF INFORMATION SHARING IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP AND CREATIVITY IN TEAMS. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 5(1), 23–39.


