
  • Andrew Njiraini Njiinu United States International University-Africa
  • Prof. George O. K'Aol United States International University-Africa
  • Prof. Teresia K. Linge United States International University-Africa




Job Satisfaction, Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation, Job security


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the extent to which individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation influence job satisfaction among employees in commercial banks in Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of 10,310 managerial employees in the commercial banks in Kenya. A sample of 424 employees was obtained from the population using stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected using structured questionnaires.

Findings: Correlation analysis found that individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and job security were positively and significantly correlated to job satisfaction r (347) =.595, p<.05, r (347) =.541, p<.05 and r (347) =.697, p<.05 respectively. Multiple linear regression results showed that individualized consideration significantly influenced job satisfaction of the employees (R2 = .352, F(1, 138.779) = 188.851, p < .05). Similarly, multiple linear regression results showed that intellectual stimulation significantly influenced job satisfaction of the employees (R2 = .290, F(1, 106.274) = 142.533, p < .05). Job security was found to significantly moderate the relationships between individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and job satisfaction R2 = .435, F(3, 45.168) = 87.914, p<.05).

Unique contribution to the theory, practice and policy: The unique contribution of this study is the advancement of transformational leadership theory dimensions - individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation - and job satisfaction among employees in commercial Banks in Kenya. Lastly, the findings inform organizational polices touching on leadership and job satisfaction.


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Author Biographies

Andrew Njiraini Njiinu, United States International University-Africa

Post graduate student

Prof. George O. K'Aol, United States International University-Africa


Prof. Teresia K. Linge, United States International University-Africa



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How to Cite

Njiinu, A. N., K'Aol, P. G. O., & Linge, P. T. K. (2018). EFFECT OF INDIVIDUALIZED CONSIDERATION AND INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION ON JOB SATISFACTION AMONG EMPLOYEES IN COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 3(1), 23–42. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.320


