
  • Chrisantus Namada Ouma United States International University - Africa
  • Prof. George O. K'Aol United States International University-Africa
  • Prof. Damary Sikalieh United States International University-Africa




Employee Commitment, Moral dimension, Psycho-emotive dimension, Ethical Leadership


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the moral and psycho-emotive dimensions of ethical leadership on employee commitment among senior managers in the transport sector parastatals in Kenya.

Methodology: The study adopted positivist philosophy and descriptive correlational research design. The target population was 253 senior managers in the transport sector parastatals. A sample of 153 senior managers was selected from the target population using the stratified random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Correlation analysis found a positive and significant relationship between the moral dimension and employee commitment, r(111) = .68, p < .05, and also between the psycho-emotive dimension and employee commitment r(111) = .79, p < .05. Results of multiple linear regression indicated that 55% of the variance in employee commitment were caused by the moral dimension, R2 = .55, F(1,111) = 137.93, p < .05; β = .72, p < .05, while 62% of the variance in employee commitment were caused by the psycho-emotive dimension, R2 = .62, F(1,111) = 179.95, p < .05; β = .77, p < .05. Ethical climate was found to significantly moderate the relationship between the moral and psycho-emotive dimensions of ethical leadership and employee commitment, R2 = .67, F(7,105) = 30.56, p < .05; β = .24, p < .05.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Previous studies on ethical leadership have focused on the ethical characteristics of the leader and behavioral traits in the Western settings. This study has provided an in-depth examination of ethical leadership and its effect on employee commitment in the African context.


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Author Biographies

Chrisantus Namada Ouma, United States International University - Africa

Post graduate student

Prof. George O. K'Aol, United States International University-Africa


Prof. Damary Sikalieh, United States International University-Africa



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How to Cite

Ouma, C. N., K'Aol, P. G. O., & Sikalieh, P. D. (2018). EFFECT OF MORAL AND PSYCHO-EMOTIVE DIMENSIONS OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP ON EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR PARASTATALS IN KENYA. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 3(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.318


