
  • Parmain Ole Narikae United States International University - Africa
  • Dr. Juliana M. Namada United States International University - Africa
  • Prof. Paul Katuse United States International University - Africa



Organizational leadership, strategy, strategy implementation, commitment, coordination


Purpose: The journal aims at assessing the role organizational leadership plays in strategy implementation.

Methodology: The study population was made up of management and support staff of Kenyan commercial banks. The study used questionnaire as a study tool to get pertinent data from respondents. The study focused on 250 top, middle and lower level employees from Kenyan commercial banks. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze data. The descriptive statistics methods used include mean and standard deviation while the inferential statistics utilized in the study include Pearson correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and coefficients. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and Microsoft Excel programs were the statistical programs that were used for analysis.

Results: Of all the factors of organizational leadership, highly statistical significant were leadership commitment and coordination. A correlation analysis to determine the relationship between leadership commitment and coordination demonstrated that leadership commitment influences coordination in the organization.

Recommendations: From the study, it is concluded that, commitment, communication, coordination and monitoring were the factors of organizational leadership that had a great influence on strategy implementation and recommends management of organizations to demonstrate leadership qualities in the strategy implementation process.



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Author Biographies

Parmain Ole Narikae, United States International University - Africa

PHD Candidate

Dr. Juliana M. Namada, United States International University - Africa


Prof. Paul Katuse, United States International University - Africa




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How to Cite

Narikae, P. O., Namada, D. J. M., & Katuse, P. P. (2017). THE ROLE ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP PLAYS IN STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 1(1), 96–111.


