Moderating Effect of Empowerment on Servant Leadership and Church Spiritual Growth
Servant Leadership, Empowerment, Church Spiritual GrowthAbstract
Purpose: This study entailed assessing moderating effect of empowerment on servant leadership and church spiritual growth. The general objective of the study was to establish how empowerment moderates the relationship between servant leadership and church spiritual growth in Pentecostal Churches in Kenya within the Nairobi metropolitan counties. The study delved on Pentecostal Evangelical Fellowship of Africa (PEFA); Kenya Assemblies of God (KAG), and Full Gospel Churches of Kenya (FGCK), all under the umbrella of National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK). The study was guided by servant leadership, empowerment and spiritual leadership theories which all indicate that servant leaders play a crucial role in empowerment of church members and consequently causing effect on church growth.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional survey design was used for the study and pragmatism was employed as a philosophical framework for the research. The study employed a mixed method approach with both quantitative and qualitative research methods in use and data collection undertaken through, questionnaires and interview guides. The target population constituted 2000 church pastors, elders as well as members from which a sample of 333 was obtained through purposive and stratified random sampling techniques in selected Pentecostal churches within Nairobi, Machakos, Muranga, Kiambu and Kajiado counties. The total response rate was 304 (91%). Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis, where Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 29 was used. On qualitative data, thematic analysis was carried out on two focus discussions groups to determine views of participants.
Findings: Church members' empowerment has no significant moderating effect in the relationship between servant leadership and church spiritual growth of Pentecostal Churches within Nairobi metropolitan counties of Kenya. The linearity test results for the relationship between spiritual growth and empowerment suggest a significant linear association, as indicated by the low p-values (all p-values are less than 0.05). The high F-value (197.904) and low p-value (0.000) suggest a highly significant linear relationship between Spiritual Growth and Empowerment. The Pearson's correlation coefficient (R) of 0.609 signifies a moderately strong positive relationship between spiritual growth and empowerment, indicating that as one variable increases, the other tends to increase as well. There is therefore a significant moderating effect of empowerment on servant leadership and church spiritual growth. On the research question that stated: "To what extent does Church members' empowerment moderate the relationship between servant leadership and church spiritual growth of Pentecostal Churches within Nairobi metropolitan counties in Kenya?" Majority of participants agreed that church members' empowerment moderated relationship between servant leadership and church spiritual growth pointing that training, involvement and sharing of responsibilities with church members by their leaders positively affected church growth both spiritually and numerically.
Implications to theory, practice and Policy: The study supported servant leadership, empowerment and spiritual leadership theories. In addition, the study bridged a number of research gaps in area of servant leadership, empowerment and church spiritual growth indicated in the statement of the problem. The most noticeable gap is the contextual gap where many studies on church growth only delved on numerical growth and leaving out spiritual growth of which this study addressed. The study recommended that the church should put more emphasis on active participation of church members in decision making processes especially on provision of suggestion boxes within the church premises for this triggers church spiritual growth. The church was recommended to adopt servant leadership style and endeavor to empower the membership so as to realize church spiritual growth.
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