Population, Ethnicity, Clientelism and Political Representation in the Federal Executive and Legislative Arm of Government: A Comparative Analysis


  • Hart Akie Opuene (PhD)




Representative government, Stability, Tribal groupings, Ethnic politics, Geo-politics Federalism, Democracy and Free and fair elections.


Purpose: Population, ethnicity, clientelism and political representation in the federal executive and legislative arms of government, a comparative analysis is a study of the evaluation of what the concepts are and the roles they play in the federal and legislative arms of government with the objective of using comparative analysis in assessing their impacts.

Methodology: The qualitative methodology with descriptive and historical research designs was used to collect secondary sources of data.

Findings: The findings showed that population, ethnicity, clientelism and political representation can either lead to stability or instability depending on how they are handled in the legislative and executive arms of government with the executive playing a more critical role. Political representation which is either elected or appointed if well handled in the optimum balancing of all vested interests will lead to stability in the executive and legislative systems of a federal government which will enable the society to make progress. This study found out that population, ethnicity, clientelism and political representation have tremendous positive or negative impacts on both federal executive and legislative arms of government as the population of a nation determines the size of its government and the level of infrastructural provisions; Geo-political and the king makers influences are also impactful.

Recommendation: It is recommended that there should be mass participation of the citizens in governance in their demand for true representation in governance and the use of the ballot to act as checks and balances to vote out non-performing leadership.


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Author Biography

Hart Akie Opuene (PhD)

School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Hart, A. O. . (2022). Population, Ethnicity, Clientelism and Political Representation in the Federal Executive and Legislative Arm of Government: A Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Leadership and Governance, 7(2), 22–36. https://doi.org/10.47672/ajlg.1124