Survey of Pangolin Availability and Trade in Selected States of Southern, Nigeria


  • Ampitan T.A Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Halidu, S.K. Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Ajayi S.R Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Oyeleye D.O Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Adeola A.J Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria
  • Zaccheus J. Federal College of Wildlife Management, P.M.B. 268, New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria



Pangolin, Survey, Trade, Respondents and States of Southern


Purpose: The Study ascertain Pangolin availability and trade in five selected states of Nigeria.  

Materials and Methods: Purposive sampling was use to select their involvement in wildlife trade especially Pangolins. Questionnaire was administered as interview guide to seventeen accessible marketers of wild animals and data were subjected to descriptive statistics and measure of central tendency.

Findings: All marketers were married women, between ages 35-54 years, 47.2% had 1-10years business experience with 17.6% having 31-40 years business experience, 94% of respondents confirmed reduction in population of pangolin from the flow of supply through hunters, twelve dollars fourteen cents was the price depending on the size, Phataginus tricuspis was mostly traded and 21 species of wildlife were traded by these marketers.

Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: A proactive step should be taken by relevant stakeholders to reduce trade in pangolin, through stringent legislation, intensive conservation education, provision of alternative sources of livelihood to both the hunters and marketers in the study areas.


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How to Cite

Ampitan, T., Halidu, S., Ajayi, S., Oyeleye, D., Adeola, . A., & Zaccheus, . J. (2023). Survey of Pangolin Availability and Trade in Selected States of Southern, Nigeria. American Journal of Environment Studies, 6(3), 7–17.