Evaluation of the Risk of Epidemiology against Leafspot in Some Farmers Traditional Systems on Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Conservation in Cameroon Using Cramer's Modified Test


  • Victor Akoa University of Yaounde I. Laboratory of Genetic and Plants Breeding. (Cameroon)
  • Clment Eya'a Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD-Cameroon)
  • Mbo'o Nkoulou Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD-Cameroon)
  • Obilima Armand University of Y
  • Bell Joseph Martin University of Yaounde I. Laboratory of Genetic and Plants Breeding. (Cameroon)




Groundnut, Leaf Spot, Cramer Modified Test, Protection.


Purpose: The main objective of this study is to evaluate the epidemiology risk of cercospora leaf spot in groundnut's protection into some farmers in Cameroon,

Methodology: The research adopted new approches like Cramer's modified test after the factorial analysis of components (fac). 224 farmers were investigated during this experimentation by answers to 8 questions about methods of protection against cercospora. Globally the test shows that the impact of this pathology is moderated and the value is 0.86, finding value after the use twice Cramer's modified test and a modified scale.

Findings: This result explain why farmers in Cameroon continue to produce in spite of the encrease of this pathology around the word. And we observe that the variables of production in zone 1 and zone 2 are very different.

Recommendations: The factorial analyses components of 224 groundnut's farmers show the presence of and the different models of in situ conservation in the north and south region in Cameroon. These two agro-ecological area are differed by variables which characterizes every location. The V' epidemiological risk test shows that leaf spot risk is moderated (0.86) because the Cramer's test who represents the intensity of knowledge about these diseases is weak (0.14). This reason explains why groundnut production is also sustainable in regard of the lost of yields by these pathologies around the world. Cameroon cannot use or import in high quantities chemical products to manage this disease, because his armful for the moment is very weak.  



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Author Biographies

Victor Akoa, University of Yaounde I. Laboratory of Genetic and Plants Breeding. (Cameroon)



Clment Eya'a, Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD-Cameroon)



Mbo'o Nkoulou, Institute of Agricultural Research and Development (IRAD-Cameroon)



Obilima Armand, University of Y



Bell Joseph Martin, University of Yaounde I. Laboratory of Genetic and Plants Breeding. (Cameroon)




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