Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial, Career Intentions and Actions,Abstract
Purpose: This study examined the impact of entrepreneurship education on the development of entrepreneurial career intentions and actions using selected tertiary institutions in Delta state as a case study. The main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of entrepreneurship education on the entrepreneurial intentions of university students to start a new venture using Linen's model. This study also analyzed the significance of different component of entrepreneurship education program in imparting entrepreneurship education at tertiary level.
Methodology: The population of this study consisted of 10,279 students who were, at the time of the survey, in their final year of study (2015/2016 academic session) at Delta State Polytechnic Ogwashi-uku and Delta State University. A study sample of 400 students was taken using random sampling technique. The methodological approach involved analysis of a close ended questionnaire distributed to undergraduate students in their last year in selected tertiary institutions. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as Frequency counts, percentages and population t-test were the statistical techniques deployed to test the study hypotheses and also answer the research questions.
Results: The findings suggest positive relationship between entrepreneurship education and intentions and perceived desirability while no relation existed with perceived feasibility or self-efficacy. Given the significance and importance of entrepreneurship, it is desirable to reform the educational system to encourage creativity and innovativeness of students.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: The study recommended that entrepreneurship education should be practical oriented so as to sustain students' interest. In addition the duration and intensity of the entrepreneurship education should be increased beyond a semester's course to realize a maximum impact on university students.
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