Opportunity-Sensing Capability and Corporate Vitality of Domestic Airlines in Nigeria
Opportunity-Sensing Capability, Corporate Vitality, Agility, Learning.Abstract
Purpose: This study examined the relationship between opportunity-sensing capability and corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: The study adopted an explanatory cross sectional survey research design which was carried out at the organizational level of analysis. The population of this study was the nine (9) operational scheduled domestic airline operators in Nigeria. The managers involved were: Station Manager, Cabin Service Manager, Director of Airline Services, Operations Manager and Regional Manager. The study adopted the entire population as a census. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using the Cronbach alpha reliability instrument with all items scoring above 0.70. The Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient was utilized to establish the level of relationship as hypothesized with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0.
Results: Findings from the study revealed a strong positive significant relationship between sensing capability and corporate vitality of domestic airlines in Nigeria. It was concluded that when domestic airlines in Nigeria deploy their opportunity sensing capability it enhances the corporate vitality especially in the dynamic business environment.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: It was recommended, that there is need for domestic airlines to have more business forums in order to understand the changing trends within their business operational environment and detect fundamental shifts in their industry. They should look for opportunities to improve the ways in which new knowledge is acquired, analyzed, interpreted and distributed, as well as utilized in making good corporate decisions.
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