Effect of Resource Allocation on Strategy Implementation in Kenya's Tourism Industry: Case of Kenya Government Tourism Agencies
Resources, Resource Allocation, Implementation, StrategiesAbstract
Purpose: Strategy implementation is fundamental for any organization's survival. Many organizations across different sectors and industries do not attain their strategic objectives despite going through a robust strategic formulation process and spending considerable amount of resources in the process. Research attributes that the problem lies in the implementation stage of strategic management process which researchers claim has not been give considerable importance like its formulation counterpart. This study focuses on studying the effect of resource availability, mobilization and allocation on implementation of strategies among the tourist government agencies in Kenya.
Methodology: The research designs employed in this study were explanatory and descriptive research designs. A sample of 327 employees was made out of possible 1792 employees in the senior management; corporate, business and functional. The study employed stratified random sampling, which is a type of probability sampling techniques in selecting the respondents of the study. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews and analysed for conclusion making. A multiple linear regression model was used to test the significance of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable.
Findings: The study found that availability and adequacy of physical, technological, human and financial resources in an organization were very important in boosting the implementation efforts of strategy implementers. The results shows that finances and proper budgeting of resources affect the way organizations realize their profits and objectives.
Recommendations: Based on the, study finds the researcher recommends that management of different organizations particularly those dealing with tourism improve on the timeliness of allocation of the resources so that strategies are implemented within the specified time frames
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