How Transformative Operations and Ubuntu Values Impact Organization Performance in Turbulent Environments: A Literature Review


  • Allan D.M. Bukusi



Transformative operations, environmental turbulence, organization performance, ubuntu values, business transformation


Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to provide organization leaders and managers with an understanding of transformative operations as a practical approach to successfully navigate chaotic business environments in Africa.

Methodology: The researcher conducted a review of available academic literature, journals, research findings, authoritative policy documents, library books and online business publications related to emergent transformative leadership theory, ubuntu values, organization performance and environmental turbulence in the business context. The author used a thematic analysis of text, qualitative interpretivism of published information and grounded theory to develop a conceptual framework to guide future research in the field.

Findings: The author examined modern societal and scholarly calls for transformative leadership as a suitable model to address the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous conditions of a chaotic global environment in the 21st century. The literature and empirical research review suggest that implementing transformative operations, alongside practicing ubuntu values, equips organizations to navigate a strategic path through turbulent conditions. These approaches secure a business organization's survival, sustainability, profitability and market leadership. The author proposes that leading organization performance in an evolving environment is neither a linear process nor a simple planning routine. Rather, it is a transcendent approach to navigating immediate, disruptive, short, medium and long-term challenges to arrive at desired goals. In the process, organizations change, adapt, innovate and transform themselves in order to thrive in the face of evolving environmental conditions.  The study proposes a conceptual model for further empirical research on the impact of transformative operations on organization performance.

Recommendations: The study recommend leaders and managers to 1) adopt transformative operations as a strategy to successfully navigate environmental turbulence, 2) to harness the free social energy available in the ubuntu philosophy to leverage institutional performance in public and private business in Africa, 3) use environmental mapping to configure and navigate surrounding force fields, 4) adopt additional performance measures, alongside financial results, to provide a wholistic picture of business success. And finally, the study invite researchers to conduct empirical tests to evaluate the efficacy of the conceptual framework.


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Author Biography

Allan D.M. Bukusi

PAC University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Bukusi, A. D. M. (2023). How Transformative Operations and Ubuntu Values Impact Organization Performance in Turbulent Environments: A Literature Review. Journal of Strategic Management, 8(1), 1–17.