Evaluating The Influence of Stakeholders' Involvement on the Performance of Road Construction Project in Nigeria


  • Nnadi, E.O.E Quantity Surveying Department, Enugu State University of Science & Technology, (ESUT) Enugu, Nigeria
  • Oyama, E.O Quantity Surveying Department, Enugu State University of Science & Technology, (ESUT) Enugu, Nigeria




Economy, Project; Performance; Road construction; Stakeholder


Purpose: Roads make a crucial contribution to economic development and growth and bring important social benefits. They are of vital importance in order to make a nation grow and develop. Effective project performance in terms of meeting the set objectives is very critical for any project. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of stakeholders on the performance of road construction.

Methodology: Theory of leadership and theory of game backed the literature reviewed in this research. Mixed research design was adopted; thus, data for the research was sourced through questionnaires, direct observation and Oral interview. The collected data was analyzed using percentages, regression tools in Eview8 which were validated by experts in the field of study.

Findings: The result was presented in pie charts and tables. The results from the findings show that 40% of the respondents strongly agreed to the fact that performance of road construction is greatly influenced by proper involvement of stakeholders, 39.6% agreed, 10% disagreed and 10.4% strongly disagreed. The regression result of the response had R2 of 0.154 which means that about 15.4% of road project performance is as a result of proper involvement of stakeholders.

Recommendations: It is recommended that road construction firms should involve all the inputs of stakeholders in the road constructions project from inception to completion so as to have effective road deliveries.


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How to Cite

E.O.E, N., & Oyama, E. O. (2023). Evaluating The Influence of Stakeholders’ Involvement on the Performance of Road Construction Project in Nigeria. International Journal of Project Management, 5(2), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.47672/ijpm.1529