
  • Dennis Mundavandi Gitonga Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Jennifer M Kilonzo Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology




Multi-level marketing, young generation, living standard, monitoring and evaluation.


Purpose:  The purpose of this study was to establish the impact or effect of multilevel marketing among Kenyan youths who are unemployed.

Methodology: The study was associated with positivism research philosophy. The study employed Descriptive research design. Both Purposive sampling and stratified random sampling techniques were applied to select a sample for the study. Questionnaire and interviews were used in collecting primary data. For management of the qualitative data computer software for qualitative data analysis, ENVIVO 10 was used. The qualitative data was subjected to content analysis.

Results: For one to succeed in multi-level marketing must have skills and knowledge of what multi-level marketing is. Internet is a key very important element in conducting multi-level marketing especially at this century where everything is digitalized. Most of multilevel marketing requires some initial investment for one to be a member. From the findings the facilities and equipment required to conduct multi-level marketing are; Android mobile phones, tablets, laptops and computers.

Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommends that in order for more youths to join multilevel marketing, The Multilevel marketing companies should reduce the amount of money one needs to pay to become a member. The Multilevel marketing companies should also offer numerous trainings to new individuals joining the business to equip them with more knowledge on how they can become successful as they carry on this type of business. The multilevel companies for instance insurance industries should come up with more innovative products that address needs of consumers.


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Author Biographies

Dennis Mundavandi Gitonga, Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology


Dr. Jennifer M Kilonzo, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology



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How to Cite

Gitonga, D. M., & Kilonzo, D. J. M. (2018). A MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROGRAM TO ASSESS IMPACT OF MULTILEVEL MARKETING ON LIVING STANDARDS OF YOUNG GENERATION. International Journal of Marketing Strategies, 3(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.47672/ijms.328


