
  • Christopher Mwangi United States International University
  • Dr. Paul Katuse United States International University




customer service quality, consumer satisfaction, NIC bank limited


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of customer service quality on consumer satisfaction, a case of the NIC bank limited.

Methodology: The descriptive survey research design was preferred for the study. The population of the study was over 10,000 credit card holders in NIC Bank. Snow balling sampling technique was appropriate for this study because credit card customers were not keen on cooperating because of the sensitivity of information gathered and only cooperated on referral from friends. Fishers' formula was used for calculating the sample size of an infinite population which amounted to 384 but for the purpose of improving the response rate, the study added 16 more respondents to total up to 400. The study used primary data. The study used a questionnaire as the preferred data collection tool. Information was sorted, coded and input into the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) for production of descriptive statistics. The results were presented using tables and pie charts to give a clear picture of the research findings.

Results: Based on the findings, the study conclded that organizations must offer their customers quality service. It was also possible to conclude that customer service was the base for business expansion because of the stiff competition prevalent in the banking industry. Results also led to conclusion that the survival of banking business is dependent on customer service. Results also led to conclusion that the customers give firms the chance to correct a service failure.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Based on the findings, the study recommends that banks should emphasize that the credit customer service operatives are honest. In addition the study recommends that the banks should give customers a chance to suggest on noted service failure.


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Author Biographies

Christopher Mwangi, United States International University

Post Graduate Student

Dr. Paul Katuse, United States International University

Dean, School of Business


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How to Cite

Mwangi, C., & Katuse, D. P. (2017). EFFECT OF CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALITY ON CONSUMER SATISFACTION: A CASE OF THE NIC BANK LIMITED. International Journal of Business Strategies, 2(1), 39–55. https://doi.org/10.47672/ijbs.200


