
  • Tasawar Hannan




Symbolic Capital, Social Capital, Social Network, Facebook, PWM


Purpose: This article addresses this novel area tied to social networking sites, like Facebook and our Symbolic Capital, claiming that Facebook activities like extreme selfies reflect the participants' desire for honor or Symbolic Capital thus opening up a new connection between Facebook usage and Symbolic Capital.


Methodology: This research methodology is based on qualitative data analysis from prior research activities, real world evidences, PWM of death incidents regarding extreme selfies, and finally, sociological and philosophical analysis of capitals from Pierre Bourdieu.


Findings: We are proposing a correlation between our desire for Symbolic Capital (collecting honor, trophy, and pride) for taking extreme Facebook selfies, explained by the PWM (Prototype Willingness Model) behavior model.


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How to Cite

Hannan, T. (2020). FACEBOOK "˜SELFICIDE’: ARE THEY MODERN-DAY TRAGIC ATTEMPTS OF OUR SYMBOLIC CAPITAL?. European Journal of Sociology, 3(1), 22–35. https://doi.org/10.47672/ejs.526


