Supportive Housing for the Vulnerable: Assessing the Health and Socio-Economic Outcome of the Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria


  • Usen P. Udoh Department of Architecture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria



Supportive Housing, Health Outcome, Socio-Economic Outcome, Vulnerability, Comparative Analysis, Akwa Ibom State


Purpose: This study adopts the mixed approach to analyze the health and socio-economic outcome of 65 beneficiaries and 30 non-beneficiaries of the supportive housing scheme (FEYRep Shelter of Hope) in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Materials and Methods: A sampling frame containing the list of vulnerable groups who were beneficiaries and those on the waiting list (non-beneficiaries) was obtained from the FEYRep office and used to randomly select the samples. Oral testimony and questionnaire were used to collect relevant data for the study. Whereas, a thematic analysis of the transcript of oral testimony was done; the independent t-test was also employed to compare outcome between the two samples. Findings revealed a harrowing and degrading experience reported by the respondents who are still homeless or living in despicable housing. Furthermore, health and socio-economic outcome were found to differ significantly in favour of the beneficiaries.

Findings: Reinforce the fact that supportive housing has the potency to mediate and ameliorate the housing predicament of the vulnerable and also enhance their health and socio-economic status.

Implication to Theory, Practice and Policy: Further gains in this direction can be reaped if the FEYReP or other stakeholders in the supportive housing project can expand their scope of beneficiaries as well as providing social services for the beneficiaries.



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How to Cite

Udoh, U. P. . (2023). Supportive Housing for the Vulnerable: Assessing the Health and Socio-Economic Outcome of the Beneficiaries and Non-Beneficiaries in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. European Journal of Sociology, 6(1), 20–34.


