Improve the Performance of Perovskite-Based Solar Cells Using Buffer Layers and Reflective Layers by Simulation Software SCAPS-1D
Purpose: This study aims to improve the performance of perovskite FAPbI 3 (formamidinium tri-iodide)-based solar cells by modifying some of the solar cell layers.
Materials and Methods: In this research SCAPS 1-D program was relied upon in the approved solar cell simulation which is a computer software used to simulate one-dimensional solar cell designed at the University of Gent Electronics and Information Systems in Belgium.
Findings: In this study, suitable buffer layers were added, which led to an improvement in the cell's output .The best buffer layer was STO, which gave the best results of η (27.34%), VOC (1.30V), JSC (28.35 mA/cm 2 ), and FF (73.66%). Then the back reflection layer was changed. An increase in open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and fill factor was observed. The layer consisting of CuScN (copper selenium nitride) gave the best results of JSC (28.35 mA/cm 2 ), VOC (1.45 V), FF (75.85%), and conversion efficiency η (31.21%). Subsequently, a second absorbing layer was added to the cell between the reflection layer and absorbing layer, leading to an increase in the solar cell's conversion efficiency. The layer that gave the best results was Sb2Se3 (antimony selenide), achieving JSC (38.71 mA/cm 2 ), VOC (1.45 V), FF (78.45%), and conversion efficiency (44.29%).
Implications to Theory, Policy and Practice:The compounds (CdS,STO,TiO2,V2O5,WS2,ZnO) can be used as a buffer layer with a power gap between (1.8-3.3 eV) and have a suitable interface for the FAPbI3- based solar cell.
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